Tuesday, February 7, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 7 sup yo

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 7 sup yo

DAY 7: a 50's retro, funky, plastic chain-link purse picture today. 
Go Prada!... Always coming out with the creative stuff. 
Did Prada invent the glass-goldfish-bowl-high heel? 
They should have. 

All rights reserved PRADA. Copyright: Elle February 12 No. 318

FACT: Did you know that I had no idea what Prada was until I read the DEVIL Wears Prada?
FACT: I pretended to be SO FASHION forward after that book. I dropped HIGH fashion designer names left and right.
FACT: That was 9 years ago. My fashion forwardness only lasted about 12 months... when my COSMO magazine subscription ended.
FACT: I had no idea about the huge COACH purse fetish that so many woman have until my exterminator was telling me about his wife's addition to the expensive handbags....this was 5 months ago.
FACT: My little black and silver Nine-Westie is still doing a rocking job.

DAY 7... my version, my mini-van in helping in the props part of the photo.
 She did a fabulous modeling job.
 Luckily, I just got her washed yesterday.
 The kids love that drive through car wash. 
Better than a Disneyland ride. 
No, never mind. 
Not even close.  

Light & Specs:
Shot : USED a WIDE angel lens to get a bit of that distorted features look.
@ 24mm ISO 200 1/640  f/2.8... I forgot to change the aperture. I wanted to close it up and shoot at a larger F-stop so that I could get more in focus. (I'll get more sleep tonight and think more clearly tomorrow.) Shot w/Tripod to point camera up.
HAVE I MENTIONED how not easy SELF portrait photography is? Darn, blurry pic again.
It is also a great workout. Click, run back to check the LCD monitor. Run back, strike a pose. Click, run back.... you get it.

LIGHT: All natural morning light again today. Front yard, sun coming up over the (wish I could say mountains) neighbor's rooftops.

My neighbors think I'm nuts. 
I did this out in my front yard, as I don't have any vehicles in my backyard. 
I know, right?
I live in IDAHO and don't have any non-working clunkers in my backyard.?? WHAAAAT?
Hey, I'm classy.
I know what Prada is. And also Coach.  

Retro 50's song for today to go along with our lovely model's bangs and car.
THIS SONG  is so much fun to sing to.

  • If you are having a rough day, or want to start the day on a "good note," play this song.
  • play it loud.
  • sing at the top of your lungs.
  • and yes, you do sound JUST like the lead singer.
  •  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AapxXRlsdwA
  • Well, at least do. 

Peace, love, laughter
and artichoke hearts
 (marinated, that is.)
As most people whom I worked for/or with, used to call me "Nicole."
 I just found out the #1 BEST thing about being my OWN  BOSS!
No Boss will ever call me Nicole, again. 
i love owning my own business.
(insert mushy picture of hearts and puppies..)
Have I mentioned how much I ROCK in PAINT? ;)

1 comment:

  1. You are SO funny. I love that your neighbors think you are nuts. Now they know the truth!
