Thursday, February 16, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 16 Snuggie and heels

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 16 Snuggie and heels

Day 16
Copyright Glamour Dec 2010 pg. 267 "baby it's warm inside." photograph by Frederike Helwig

Ok.. so she isn't wearing a Snuggie.
I don't get it?
Yes, you are correct. She is actually wearing a red, white and blue Christmas ornament ball dress and gold shoes.
I have nothing in my closet that resembles that outfit.
Ok, maybe just a little.

So, I thought, HEY, Why not a Snuggie and red heels? 

My Version Day 16

All I can say is that a Boise State Snuggie has never looked so fashion forward.
Also, my dog looks old in this pic and that makes me sad.
But then, all I have to do is look up and see me in a BSU Snuggie wearing red heels, doing a backbend and balancing on a wobbly recliner and I am laughing again.

YUP. it is....

But you know it.
Be silly today. Be a kid.
Laugh more... GIGGLE more. Smile more.
Be silly. It's fun and it will make you live longer.
It's a scientific fact.
I read it on Wikipedia 7 years ago when they let "just anyone" write articles.

Silliness reminds me of Carol Burnett.
She is hilarious.
Carol Burnett reminds me of Annie.
Annie reminds me of a GREAT song for today.
This song makes me wanna sing ALL DAY LONG.
And... I feel like a Tony Award winner when I sing it.

Peace, Love, Laughter
and football game Nachos

p.s. Can you tell how hard I was laughing doing this?
P.P.S or is it P.S.S? (either way) NOW my triceps are going to be sore!
PPPS My quads are still VERY Sore. I need to get my family healthy again so I have time to workout more.
OR... I can just keep doing these crazy poses!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 15 Buh-na-Nuhs! BANANAS!

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 15 Buh-na-Nuhs! BANANAS! 

I told you I'd do it!! 

Day 15
All rights reserved Chanel Inc. Copyright Elle 310 Feb. 2012

My Version DAY 15







a little bit 

But... just a little.
 wink wink. 

Well,  I'M SORRY!
I just wasn't brave enough to go nude for the world...
I WOULD HAVE to be BANANAS to do that!
 So, I put on an old 1 piece that is extremely flattering. 
BECAUSE it is a TIGHT Speedo!
Tight Speedos are KNOWN for being VERY flattering. 
Oh, what?
Am I wrong?
And.. we thought the Christmas bows would be a nice touch. 
You know, cause I'm classy like that. 

My heart goes out to Channel's model. 
My quads were/is/are SHAKING!!! As if I had just gotten done running a 400 full speed ahead. 
That was a HARD pose to do!
I had to hold it for 2 shots. Well, really more like 20....
One with the ball. One without the ball. And then, run back to the camera and check.
DARN, how did my feet get cut off in that shot? Did you move the camera Daughter #1? 
Back to hugging the ball... then letting it go... running back to camera.
DARN, why did I lean forward so much after I let go of the ball? 
Back to sucking in my tummy and trying to smile and pretend to sleep. 
Click, let go of ball, click, run back to camera.
DARN! Why did my left hand go SUPER JAZZ HANDS after I let go of the ball? 

Finally, I thought I had gotten the 2 shots I wanted. 

Shot 1

I combined the shots to get the transparent ball...
So, yes, there was some editing on this one! BUT only to the ball... although very tempted to liquefy certain parts... I have promised not to. 
I combined the pictures just like you would if "swapping heads." Just like so many photographers have to do in large family photos.
Like when little David decides to stick out his tongue at cousin Megan in picture #1, but looks like a complete angel in picture #2. BUT, in picture #2,  85% of the family has their eyes closed.
simple fix.
head swap. 
David now looks like an angel in picture #1.
And David's mom will never know the difference. 
And David gets a treat and taken out for a banana split for being so good for the photographer. 
Here is Shot #2

HOWEVER & Disclaimer... the transparent ball and the hands was a lot more tricky than just a simple head swap and doesn't look as "clean" as it should.
Oh well... that's ok...luckily this is just a blog and not a REAL fashion magazine. 

Picture: 50mm, f3.2, 1/200 ISO 200 
Speedlight at 50 with shootthroughumbrellalalallala

AND of course... a Banana song for you listening pleasure. 
But not just any banana song, a banana song that will be stuck in your head for the rest of the day. 

banana splits w/ extra chocolate syrup,


P.S..... After this banana picture, I'm going to get Pixar beating down my door.
 "Please come work for us," they will beg. :) 

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 12,13 and 14

Nothin'. I got nothin' for you.

I had to take a break.
I had no idea how much time I was actually spending on this, AND my kids were sick, AND I needed to do laundry, AND I finally slept in my own bed with my husband instead of my kids because they have been sick for 2 weeks and I have been sleeping on the couch with them or them in my bed with me (DEEP BREATH).......
I finally got a good nights sleep.

Day 12 I woke up feeling refreshed and said, "eh, I think I'll skip the blog today."

Day 13 I got another good nights sleep and said, "eh, I think I'll skip the blog again today.. or maybe I'll just do it tonight." I was too tired at night and had forgotten.

Day 14- Today, I had someone REQUEST a new post! So, I thought I'd at least tell you what's up.

Day 15 is tomorrow and for my "coming back from vacation" post I will post something quit spectacular, or unspectacular... depending on who you are and what you shall think of it.

BUT what is a new venture, natural beauty blog w/out a picture?
Alright! But... I'll do one tomorrow.
What? You want one today?
COME on.. OH, you sure are bossy!
I'll do one, you twisted my arm.
Here is Day 14: Since it's Valentine's Day... THEME HEARTS
IN LOVE or Insane?
Meet my friend Maria.
All rights reserved: Lady Foot Locker and Skechers Copyright: Glamour Dec 2010

P.s Lady, don't you know your neighbor is watching and knows 
you check the weather every morning in your undies. 
cover up. 
or get stalked. 


Miss America. 
That's right, a plain white tank top and mismatched Valentine's Day socks. 
(Blame my blog for not getting laundry done and so everyone in the house has mismatched socks now.)
My heart has a pizza and BenandJerry's on it.
You are what you eat?
And so my bum is pizza and ice cream. (And green smoothies, but that didn't look as cute on my bum.)

I feel pretty oh so pretty!
I feel pretty and witty and gay!
Oh so pretty, it's a pity that my bum is made out of pizza and ice cream!

I am thinking about having this particular picture in my Boudoir portfolio for clients to look at.
Do you think they would like it??
Do you think they would say, OH THAT IS HOT, I want a pic of ME like that?

Shot at 50mm f/1.8 1/320 ISO 800... lots of noise.... But wanted natural light.

Have a lovely day!!

PEACE OUT FROM Old California girl from the WEST SIDE. Keeping it real.
West Side song... .by the way, probably not what you are expecting since I broke out the West Side attitude talk.... go back a paragraph and you'll get the song.

Peace, Love, Laughter and
BenNJerry's Ice Cream