Wednesday, February 22, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 17 Grasshopper Stew

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 17 Grasshopper Stew

So, what's the deal? It's not Feb 17th and you are saying DAY 17? 
Yeah, yeah, I know.

Here is the deal.
I told myself that I would do this for 28 days and on day 29 do a nice shot with editing and makeup... the whole enchilada.
Well, I had no idea how much time blogs took and how busy I was and how my family's health and needs were more important than anything.
Being healthy is a lovely blessing! I am very thankful that I feel so much better.
Therefore... after my rambling rambles, I get to my point.........
My point is, that I will do this for 29 days and as we have now noticed, they will or may not always be consecutive.

SO ONWARD we charge into the land of silliness where fashion and beauty run rampant and the steamy swirls of Grasshopper Stew flow up into the villagers' nostrils.


Umm... just keep reading and really, you may or may not find the answer.

Day 17: 

I call this picture "Breathy."

All rights reserved Smashbox Copyright Glamour Dec. 2010

The Smashbox model looks like she is taking a deep breath OUT in this picture.  
Hence, I called this picture "Breathy."
I bet she has nice breath.
Nice breath that smells like Wintermint Tic-Tacs or Scope.

Day 17... MY Version.

My "Breathy" version.

Hello there. 
My hair is very crazy this morning. 
My name is Molly McNew.

Molly McNew ate Grasshopper Stew,
It made her jump,
It made her thump,
It made her breath stink. Peee-ewww!

HEY! It is 6am in the morning and I'm SORRY if I haven't brushed my teeth yet or use my Listerine.
Luckily, you can't smell me.
Or my breath.
I actually don't smell.
Just my breath.
Well, I take that back. I don't THINK I smell.
But, I do know that my breath isn't very pleasant.
Morning Breath.
It's a lovely thing.

But, again, you are lucky you can not smell it.
That means today is your lucky day.
You should go buy a few lottery tickets now.
Or maybe I will.

I will buy some new mini-Scope to carry around in my purse when I win my 1.5 Million Dollars in the Idaho Lottery.
Then, I will ALWAYS have fresh breath!
Do they still have that "CHHH-CHHT" breath spray that was popular in the 90's...
What was that called?
Bianca? (No, I think that is a woman's name....In fact, I think it is the evil lady's name in the The Rescuers movie or was it the mouse? Yes, it was the mouse.)
Binaca! THAT'S IT...
ok, where was I?

Today's song of the day.
Since somehow I got from Breathy to Grasshopper Stew to winning the lottery, we shall continue down that zigzag mental thinking path.
Grasshoppers are green, well some are brown.
And #2 child's favorite color is green.
SO, we are going to go with a great old song from a green band.
And if you want older:

Sorry no Rescuers song...that movie freaked me out when I was a kid. Still does.
Poor girl had to get the DIAMOND from a skull in a cave full of water.
 not a movie for kids.
 or sensitive adults.

Have a LOVELY day and remember to smile.
 LAUGH... fake laugh if you have to. 
It will sound silly or ridiculous and then it will make you laugh for real...
 Laughing is good for the soul. 

Peace, Love, Laughter
and Grasshopper Stew
Green Beans, which ever you like best.

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