28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 19 Shake That!
This picture confused me for a while. Is this some weird Yoga move where her leg is in front of her? Ohhhhhhhhhh.... I get it... it is a leg from another person!
So, my son was my leg model.
He has cute chubby thighs, so I thought he would be the perfect leg model.
I had no idea he was holding a paint brush... I don't even know how he got it!
Where did it come from?
Kids are amazing like that.
The funny thing is, is that THIS IS the cropped photo.
Here is the UNcropped version:
Le original.
He is also wearing #1 child's Taekwondo safety sparring gear.
He loves that helmet!
He puts it on his head and walks around yelling, "Hi-ya!"
He has cute chubby thighs, so I thought he would be the perfect leg model.
I had no idea he was holding a paint brush... I don't even know how he got it!
Where did it come from?
Kids are amazing like that.
The funny thing is, is that THIS IS the cropped photo.
Here is the UNcropped version:
Le original.
He is also wearing #1 child's Taekwondo safety sparring gear.
He loves that helmet!
He puts it on his head and walks around yelling, "Hi-ya!"
#2 child wanted in on the action.
#1 child wanted to take the pictures, so I set up the camera and let her go.
Here is the next few pictures she took as I was struggling trying to get another shot set up.
#1 child wanted to take the pictures, so I set up the camera and let her go.
Here is the next few pictures she took as I was struggling trying to get another shot set up.
Lost interest in the paint brush.
Had a flower in the other hand and wanted me to smell it.
"FLOW? FLOW?" as he shoved it toward my face.
Great! Got him to drop his props.
OH NO!!! Don't cry!!
Ok, here, here is the flower back!!
#2 still trying to get in the picture.
Poor middle child.
Love her so much.
I did nighttime beauty again this time. Right before I put all the kids to bed. At the end of the day, when the makeup has all worn off, when you are shuffling your feet to walk you from the bathtub to kids rooms....
Yeah, End Of the DAY natural Beauty.
It rocks as much as 6am no makeup Beauty.
And for our song today... 2 parts...
1. Since #3 was the star of the blog today... Here he is dancing
My son's version of shuffling... he is Shaking It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2L30yO_bHI
My son's version of shuffling... he is Shaking It: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2L30yO_bHI
2. LMFAO shaking it and shuffling: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQ6zr6kCPj8&ob=av2e
PEACE, LOVE and Laughter,
and Cheerios and Goldfish (2 of #3's favorite foods!)