Saturday, February 11, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- DAY 11 I promise...

Day 11

all rights Vassarette. Copyright Glamour De 2010










Day 11


you really
that I would
be brave 
to pull 
that one off? 
Not yet.
Not that one. 

 I promise
I will pose for one
of these adds.
My way.
Natural Beauty

until then... 

Keep smiling! 
can't believe you fell for that one too! :)
Peace, Love, Laughter,
and pancakes.

Friday, February 10, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 10 ???

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 10 ???

Day 10 
All rights reserved Lollipop Bling-Mariah Carey. Copyright Glamous December 2010  

Interesting ad.
What is going on here?
And why does Mariah Carey looks so UNSURE?
     Why are there Ring Pops on my hands?
      I haven't had a Ring Pop since 6th grade. 
     Why are there butterflies and lollipops all around me?
She looks confused.
     Why did I name my new perfumes: Lollipop Bling?
     This ad is sooooo junior high. 
     I thought my target audience was going to be adults? 
     When is lunch? I'm hungry.

She is so pretty and has such a great voice. 
This is picture is a bit odd. 

My version: Day 10

Borrowed some rings from the girls. 
So sorry to disappoint you, no Ring Pops.

Photog Stuff:  Inside: Speedlight & shoot through umbrella. Put the reflector on the other side of me to try to get a little light bouncing up into the shadows.
70mm f3/5  1/200 ISO 200 Light set at: 23 b/c it was about 3 feet away from me.

Feeling unsure, like M.C. in this pic, happens. It happens to all of us.
Even those of us working on our confidence, daily.
Last night I felt unsure.
Doubt creeps in and you don't know how or what to do to get out of that mindset.
Worrying about this or that.
It feels like reality.
I was SO glad that I had posted that blog on perspective yesterday.
I grabbed myself up and shook it off.
Looked in the mirror and told myself... It will all be ok.
No. It will all be great. It will ALL work out.
Everything is good.
I forced a smile and then sat quietly and thought about 10 wonderful things I'm truly thankful for.
OH did that HELP!
Fake smiling always turns into real smile within seconds.
It's a medical fact that smiling is good for you.
"Smiling is my favorite." elf

to even lift myself into a happier mood,

Well... this and Santa Baby. 

Pease, Love, Gratitude, Laughter and 

Thursday, February 9, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 9 Heels and Dishwashers

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 9 Heels and Dishwashers

Day 8
Copyright Glamour Dec 2010 pg. 267 "baby it's warm inside." photograph by Frederike Helwig

Heels and Dishwashers go together like:
Fish and Chips,
Mustard and Hot Dogs,
Me and Cozy Pj bottoms,
My husband and college football.

WAIT... these things make sense...
LET's try that again......

Heels and Dishwashers go together like:
Cats and good listeners,
Cell phones and water,
A ceramic Coach Pete bobblehead and my kitchen tile floor,
My sister and a person eating a banana next to her.

YES, that's much better.

DAY 8... My version.
  1. This is what I used to look like and feel when I had to do dishes.

Heels and unloading the dishwasher are funny.
Thinking about it helps me lighten up on life.
I think it's funny. But maybe others think it's practical or sexy? Hmmm... I don't know..
Pulled out the DUSTY heels from under the bed for this one!

  1. Now this is what I try to FEEL like when I put dishes away. 
  2. I've tried to turn it into a positive time to be thankful life.
  3. Perspective.
  4. I put dishes away and sort of meditate.
  5. "I am thankful for a working dishwasher. I am thankful for healthy kids. I am thankful God blessed us with rain for our dry grass....etc."
  6. YES, those are dishes in my washer and sink... this is REALITY. :) Well, in my word of 3 busy kids, it is. 
Light: white umbrella, shoot through w/ speedlight. No kitchen light above. Tungsten light doesn't mix well with flash light..

Specs: Shot at  24mm f/5 1/200 ISO 400....Flash set at 50mm

Yesterday I was reminded about perspective.
How our perspective shapes the way we look at our life.
I met a baby who was on his way to heaven in a few days.
His parents and family were amazing, sweet and peaceful.

On my drive home I hit a large black plastic chunk of who-knows-what on the freeway.
It messed up my back tire big time and tore my wheel well liner 3/4ths off.
A nice Nampa police officer was right behind me and pulled over to help me.
I drove home very slowly as my tire deflated.
I didn't care.
It didn't upset me at all.
( I did get a little nervous about all the traffic on the freeway, but that was it.)
I came home, made dinner and hugged and played with my kids all night.
I am so thankful I have healthy kids.
I am so thankful for their smiles.
I am so thankful for my family and so, so, so much more.

Perspective.... Life is what you make it. So true. I am so thankful for what I have.

This is one of my FAVORITE all time songs:
It's my own feel good song.

Now if you will excuse me, I need to go unload the dishwasher.
Yes, with heels on.
I do believe my 9 year old Black Ann Klien heels will have to do.

Peace, Love, Laughter and
Jello.... to go with the flow today.. be flexible and remember your perspective. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 8

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 8 Pizza Kitty

Day 8:CLOSE up, no makeup and Pizza Kitty Scars.
all rights reserved DDF. Copyright: Elle February 12 No. 318

Pizza Kitty:
THE PIZZA: About 2 years ago, I was large and very pregnant with my 3rd child. My dear friend invited me over for lunch and kiddo playdate. 
HOT FRESH pizza was delivered for lunch. Or maybe it was pizza Digiorno's? he he.
Either way, my friend handed me a plate with a huge HOT piece of pepperoni pizza for my pregnant appetite.
I plopped on the couch in front of her TV and blew on my pizza for a second.
I set it on my lap to cool down a bit before I inhaled it- like a good pregnant woman with a delicious piece of pizza in front of her should do.

A young black n white SUPER hyper and aggressive kitty was just adopted by my friend's sister. I'm pretty sure her owner had given her too much kitty grass.

I set the pizza on my lap. Crazy kitty jumped up on couch.
Crazy kitty ran on couch and JUMPED straight onto my plate of boiling hot lava pepperoni pizza.
Crazy kitty's body and paws and CLAWS went straight from the pizza to my face with her super kitty jumping skills.
Crazy kitty's claws dug into my face long enough for me to pull her off.
Crazy kitty clung to my face like I was a velcro wall.
Crazy kitty gave me a couple new "cool" scars.
They are actually very minor and you probably wouldn't really notice unless I pointed them out to you.
But...if this would have never happened. I would have never had a "cool facial scar story." 
So... there is that. 

My version  Day 8

Specs: My camera doesn't want to take a super close picture of me. It has a hard time focusing. I really need to have it focused in on something and then move that something and take it's place.. but I try to do this while the kids are sleeping, so I can't always us them. I was in a BIG hurry this morning, so I just held the camera. eeesssh. not very flattering... but this is about natural beauty, right? 

Light: The catch light in her eyes look like a soft strip light. 
I used my camera's flash...WHICH IS NEVER a good idea for "nice camera pictures." However, I had only like 5 seconds to take this picture.  Didn't  get close to the ad's light. However, I could have spent a lot more time on it... but I have LOTS to do this morning, so it was crunch time.
Hey, I'm practicing. 
Trying my best.
 Blurry photo or not, you get what you get and you don't throw a fit!
Yes, I used to teach Kindergarten. Why? 

WOW... super close up of my skin. I'm a little nervous about posting this.
I was never a big fan of my profile and my nose being a lovely part of the picture. Thanks to my dad and his ancestors, this is my nose. :)
......and i will continue to try my best to love and accept myself for the way I am.
But I will post it anyway. 

Now, I shall go sit in the lotus position and listen to Enya and breath deep. (well, fore 30 seconds until I get tackled my a toddler.)
BUT  I WILL... TODAY WILL BE GOOD. I will try to LOVE as much as I can.  
I will go with the flow. I will not care what people say about my skin. I will believe that I am beautiful w/ my Pizza Kitty scars...etc. 
I will smile today at people and know that beauty really does come from within. 
Really. It does. 
Time for a good FEEL good song:

Only you can help turn the world UPSIDE DOWN! 
who's to say what's impossible? 
Make eye contact and smile at 5 random people today!

Love, Peace, laughter and
Noezza (i just like the double Z in pizza) 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 7 sup yo

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 7 sup yo

DAY 7: a 50's retro, funky, plastic chain-link purse picture today. 
Go Prada!... Always coming out with the creative stuff. 
Did Prada invent the glass-goldfish-bowl-high heel? 
They should have. 

All rights reserved PRADA. Copyright: Elle February 12 No. 318

FACT: Did you know that I had no idea what Prada was until I read the DEVIL Wears Prada?
FACT: I pretended to be SO FASHION forward after that book. I dropped HIGH fashion designer names left and right.
FACT: That was 9 years ago. My fashion forwardness only lasted about 12 months... when my COSMO magazine subscription ended.
FACT: I had no idea about the huge COACH purse fetish that so many woman have until my exterminator was telling me about his wife's addition to the expensive handbags....this was 5 months ago.
FACT: My little black and silver Nine-Westie is still doing a rocking job.

DAY 7... my version, my mini-van in helping in the props part of the photo.
 She did a fabulous modeling job.
 Luckily, I just got her washed yesterday.
 The kids love that drive through car wash. 
Better than a Disneyland ride. 
No, never mind. 
Not even close.  

Light & Specs:
Shot : USED a WIDE angel lens to get a bit of that distorted features look.
@ 24mm ISO 200 1/640  f/2.8... I forgot to change the aperture. I wanted to close it up and shoot at a larger F-stop so that I could get more in focus. (I'll get more sleep tonight and think more clearly tomorrow.) Shot w/Tripod to point camera up.
HAVE I MENTIONED how not easy SELF portrait photography is? Darn, blurry pic again.
It is also a great workout. Click, run back to check the LCD monitor. Run back, strike a pose. Click, run back.... you get it.

LIGHT: All natural morning light again today. Front yard, sun coming up over the (wish I could say mountains) neighbor's rooftops.

My neighbors think I'm nuts. 
I did this out in my front yard, as I don't have any vehicles in my backyard. 
I know, right?
I live in IDAHO and don't have any non-working clunkers in my backyard.?? WHAAAAT?
Hey, I'm classy.
I know what Prada is. And also Coach.  

Retro 50's song for today to go along with our lovely model's bangs and car.
THIS SONG  is so much fun to sing to.

  • If you are having a rough day, or want to start the day on a "good note," play this song.
  • play it loud.
  • sing at the top of your lungs.
  • and yes, you do sound JUST like the lead singer.
  • Well, at least do. 

Peace, love, laughter
and artichoke hearts
 (marinated, that is.)
As most people whom I worked for/or with, used to call me "Nicole."
 I just found out the #1 BEST thing about being my OWN  BOSS!
No Boss will ever call me Nicole, again. 
i love owning my own business.
(insert mushy picture of hearts and puppies..)
Have I mentioned how much I ROCK in PAINT? ;)

Monday, February 6, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 6 FB

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 6 FB

Day 6:
Warning... I have a touch of A.D.D. this morning.

All rights reserved: CoverGril-Jessica Stam ad.  Copyright: Elle Feb 12 no.318

When we go out at night...
The stars are shining bright..

As for the CoverGirl, Jessica Stam model, I have a Facebook friend that looks like this. 
Does a Facebook friend count as a real friend?
I have several Facebook friends that I have never met before. 
Sometimes when I'm talking about a post they wrote I will refer to them as "my friend."
"Oh, the other day, my friend, posted the funniest thing on Facebook. Well, really she isn't my "friend." I've actually never met her before. But we both like photography and..." 
At this point I realize that I've totally rambled off into Fa-La-La-crazy-Land and I quickly pretend that one of my kids needs me. "oh, excuse me, I think #2 child needs to go potty." 

This is a night time picture... or one to simulate night. 
Dark make up, dark background.
 Harsh bright light... maybe as if the paparazzi snapped this one? OR a RED Carpet event..
 Oh, this will be fun to pretend for. 

After my version of this shot, I tell you... I will have the paparazzi following me! 
I'm your biggest fan 
I'll follow you until you love me. 

DAY 6 
Me hitting the Red Carpet at 6am. No makeup, no photo-editing... waaaaaa..sniff. WAIT! PRIDE in Natural BEAUTY, RIGHT!?! right. (deep breath) 

Specs: Shot at 1/200 32mm f2/8  I had the flash set at 50mm, super bright. So, really it washed my skin out so you really can't see all the details.

Light. NO lights other than my speedlight on this one. I actually placed it ON the camera also. Other shots I use OCF (off camera flash.) Which is just my flash sitting on a stand shooting/firing thought a white umbrella that helps defuse the light. The flash is off to the side in those shots too, instead of straight in front of the subject.
Oh my, so bright this lovely morning! Even with the diffuser I put on it, so that it would be a little softer. Eyeyeyeyye, I'll be seeing spots for a while.

MY SKIN: The bright flash/light hides and conceals nicely.
You don't get to see all my pours, spots and scars.
 Especially, my Pizza Kitty scars. Those are my favorite facial scars.
 We will get to the Pizza Kitty story on another day, when I can actually point out the scars.

Hmm... I just realized that I rambling into side notes a lot in other conversations, too.
Pizza kitty.
Not just conversations about my Facebook friends.
Yeah, I do ramble off into side notes a lot. Sometimes too much detail.
I love having kids.
You get to blame stuff on them, just like you could blame stuff on your mom or brother or sister when you were young.
I wonder when I will grow up and start taking responsibility for my rambling conversations.
hm. i do not know.
    What I do know, is today I choose to be happy.
        I choose happiness today.
           I hope you do also.
I am flexible and flowing.. all is well.
           Peace, Love, Laughter
Noelle Rizzo Zuko Olsen Gaga

Sunday, February 5, 2012

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 5.. keeping it even more simple

28 Days of Natural Beauty- Day 5.. keeping it even more simple

DAY 5:
All rights reserved: Kim Kardashian/Voluptuous fragrance. copyright: Glamour Dec 2010 



You didn't actually think I would try this one? Did ja?

  1. I did however, put my circus pjs on for this pic, since Kim is swinging in a trapeze-hula-hoop-thingy. 
  2. A student gave them to me. 
  3. Yes, I have worn them out in public... It was pj day at school and my sweet Kindergartner asked if I was going to wear the pjs he gave me. Of course I had to say yes.
  4. After school was over, I HAD to go to the grocery store. Our pantry was Old Mother Hubbard's pantry. 
  5. Yes, people looked at me really weird.
  6. No, I didn't care. I was comfy. 

HAVE a LOVELY FUN, smiley day!
Peace, love and laughter,
Noellia- the circus clown