Saturday, June 4, 2011

Rub A Dub Dub 3 kids in a TUB

All 3 kids took their 1st bath together tonight! So, of course, I ran to get the camera and take a picture of this historic moment.
But WEIRD lighting happened and I was trying so get the perfect picture of all 3 wiggling kids. So... here is what happened...
Ok, kids, smile, say cheese!
Ok.. Listen, come on. Say cheese!
AWESOME! You did it! Darn, I have weird lighting going on here! Ok.. keep with me kids! I am trying to figure out what to do here...
Oh, hi little guy, you are so darn cute. HEY, back there, stop dumping water on your sister!
No, no, no... please put the cup down. Please do NOT drink the bath water! Come on, say CHEESE!
Ok, let me try the flash. OH! PLEASE do NOT spit water at your sister!
hmmm, flash is being weird. 
Little guy, don't eat the eggplant. Come'on guys say CHEESE!
Ok.. one more time, Say cheese! Little guy, you make the funniest faces!
Alright, I'm done. Weird lighting and weird flash. 
More water in the mouth? No, not on the camera... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, I'm done. 

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Princess Warriors

The sun finally came out today! The girls grabbed their princess fairy wands and ran outside to cast some magic spells. And I grabbed my camera to capture the magic.
"Go girls! Go!"
 They froze. "Mommmmmmmmm....Ug."
"Ok, girls now do a spell and I'll take a picture!"
nothing. Then one tapped the other on the head with the wand. lame.

"Alright, I give up." I walked away. I was almost in the house when I stopped.
I heard rhythmic gibberish chanting.
I turned.
I shot this.
That's what I wanted!
Then Dad came home with a new toy! A baseball glove!
 Oh, the big one was so excited! She tossed. She caught, well... not really, she TRIED to catch. 
Then something else caught her attention and like her attention-issues-mom, she was done.
Oh, the little one was so excited! NOW, it was HER turn!
She played with Dad!
But not so fast.... the "that's MINE" game started and after a short while, big sis got her mitt back.
Of course she went back to playing ball with Dad, right? 
 Oh wait, nope.
 It was fairy princess magic wand time again & this time it was extra magical cause she had a magic mitt too!
I call this picture The "I'm a Fairy-Princess-Magic-Mitt-Gap-Model-Sun-Face" Picture. 
It's weird, but I like it.
 It makes me smile.
THEN... I got attacked.
 Attacked by a giggling 2 year old! 
And down we went.
And down even more....
NO! Please don't eat the grass! Stop! Ok... bath time! 


Monday, May 30, 2011

Whaaaa did you say? Milk?

This picture was taken of my sweet little boy when I was practicing my photography skills. Kids make great models, don't they?! I made a loud RRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rolling tongue/a long and loud 'Spanish r' and this is the face he made. HA! What a funny little guy!